- Does Victor contradict himself when, after refusing to tell Walton how to create a monster like he did, he instructs the crew to persevere in the expedition? Victor believes in ACCOMPLISHMENT and HUMAN WILL; this is not in opposition to not telling Walton the recipe for "Frankenstein Monsters a la mode." Victor does not want his mistake repeated by someone else making a monster, but he does want civilization and human ability to reach its limits and beyond.
- Tomorrow: "The Lifted Veil" - an attack on the Romantic hero.
- On the 'hero' I created on HeroMachine:

I created a version of Elizabeth. She was all that was still good and decent about Victor: she was the focus and the source of unconditional love and companionship, towards Victor and his family; she was a protective, guarding presence in his life, to whom he intended to trust the horrible secret of the monster after they were married, and who, I think, has a hidden reservoir of heroism and determination. The lantern in her left hand represents that kind of light, a power of insight and goodness. The shield in her right hand indicates her protectiveness. The lynx I think might be the secret daring and aggression she has within, but who, as a genteel woman, she has to hide.
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