- Charlotte read to Emily while Emily died, including a review of her novel.
- Emily Bronte was later called a female Shakespeare
- Atmosphere of novel: dark, stormy, depressing, cold, windy, barren. Misanthrope: hatred of people. The landscape mimics the people, and vice versa.
- Mr. Lockwood ended up renting the house because he humiliated a woman who he loved, and who, after returning his affections, he withdraws from.
- Heathcliff: puts himself before anyone else (including Catherine, though he does not see it that way) - wild, almost to the point of not appearing to be human - hated by all, except for Mr. Earnshaw and Catherine. A harsh, brutal, dangerous man.
- Maxilary convulsions - grinding your teeth to keep from crying. (ie, Harrison Ford)
- Further discussion of "chopping women's bodies up " - intro to Pretty Woman; picture of Hugh Hefner with a girlfriend or wife, who is wearing a dress Marilyn Monroe made famous. Men's sex appeal gained through power and money - cuts up bits of their souls like women cut up their bodies to fit into the perfect role.
- Watched a youtube video of Harolde and Maude - one of the greatest movies ever.
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