Fairy tales might express what kids feel - mayhap they think adults are mean, violent, and that their world is dangerous, and these stories provide a release for them. More than plausible - likeliest reason for persistent violence, evil v. good, black-and-white types of stories.
Google Image search: Monsters... nothing of interest. Google Image search Pan's Labyrinth - bingo! The Pale Man is arguably the most realistic, nightmarish character in cinema to date, and one that can be supposed to accurately represent what children fear. It's a thing that will chew you up like strips of beef jerky, and it's pure evil, driven by hunger.

Art can overcome and/or transform violence - encourages empathy; tells in advance what the consequences are; externalized monsters help tame the monster within, and art satisfies a different hunger, or changes its focus (good thing? bad thing?).
What is art in relation to us as humans?
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